An increasing number of people are turning to the internet for all sorts of tax advice. Fashion advice. Medical advice. Marriage advice.
Here at our
accounting firm, we certainly won’t dissuade you from getting fashion advice online, but we strongly recommend that you don’t turn to Google for tax or legal advice. Because it could end up costing you a whole lot more than you expected. Here is straight advise, other accounting firms won't tell you.
Tax Tips for Small Business
- If you purchase a medium/full size truck or SUV, you could qualify for special depreciation. A $60,000 vehicle that is used 75% in your business could save you $14,000 in taxes!
- Small businesses can employ their children and other family members and save thousands in taxes. In some cases, this can even be done without incurring any payroll taxes.
- When is the last time your CPA or tax preparer advised you on ways to save taxes. That is our specialty, providing small businesses with valuable advice. Please contact us to get our team on your team.
- If you have a number cruncher accountant, give us a call to show you the difference a tax consultant makes. We take extra time to dig up the extra deductions.
- There is a huge untapped deduction for deductions of used clothing/housewares/etc. to the Salvation Army/Goodwill/etc. It can save you thousands if done correctly. Give us a call
to learn more.